Repairing your car's paint chip is imperative before it mushrooms into a vast expense. This post emphasizes dings and chips care in your vehicle before it's too late. Quick action is meaningful for them but not direct. For instance, directly applying auto-touch-up spray paint is not a solution.

You need to follow some steps. Here are seven steps. Before proceeding, make sure you have these tools with you-
· Denatured alcohol
· Matches
· Polishing compound
· Touch-up paint
Let's start!
Step 1
Fix Small Chips
· You can fix a typical rock chip with this process. You can still repair the car-paint chip even if it is about one-fourth the size of a dime.
Step 2
Too Far Gone
· A paint chip needed a repair long ago, but due to your negligence, delays and extends in size. The metal inside the chip rusted and began to lift the paint at the edges. You can repair those chips that have just started rusting.
Step 3
Clean the Paint Chips
· Before drying the paint chip with a soft cotton cloth, clean the paint chip with soap and water.
· Rub a smudge of automotive polishing compound over the paint chip to soften any uneven edges.
Step 4
Clean the Finish with Denatured Alcohol
· The alcohol can eradicate any wax or remain grime, but do not flood the surface with alcohol, as a few wipes with a damp, soft cloth can work.
Step 5
Apply the Primer
· A butt end of a paper match can help you apply a spot of primer.
· Load the area within the car paint chip by touching the edges of the surrounding paint.
· Let the primer dry for half hour.
Step 6
Know Your Car Color Code
· Find the color code of your car via your vehicle identification plate.
· Purchase a small bottle of touch-up paint once you find the code. You can take professional help online to find the right color for your car.
Step 7
Paint the Chip
· Apply a small amount of touch-up paint over the primer coat.
· Test the color on a piece of paper to ensure it matches.
· Put a second coat after one hour.
· Allow curing the paint for a few days.
Therefore, make your car shine like before by buying a suitable and the best car paint touch-up kit online.